Boer Group
Head of Business Development
COO Procurement & Collection
Geschäftsführerin I:Collect GmbH
SUEZ Environnement Group
Geschäftsführerin BellandVision GmbH
Geschäftsführerin SITA Rücknahmesysteme GmbH
Director Producer Responsibility SITA NEWS
Standartisation Roadmap Circular Economy
October 2021, Nicole Kösegi, together with Dr Edith Classen and Mario Malzacher, takes over the lead of the Textiles Work Group within the framework of the Circular Economy Standardisation Roadmap of DIN, DKE and VDI.
The aim of the roadmap is to provide an overview of the status quo of standardisation in the field of Circular Economy, to identify requirements and challenges for the seven key topics and, deriving from this, to formulate concrete needs for action for future standards.
More information at:
Difficult recycling – How the textile industry could solve its waste problem
Cheaply produced, worn short, often hardly recyclable – fast fashion is responsible for growing mountains of waste. Young companies are developing ideas to improve the lifespan and eco-balance of the fabrics they process.
Background | broadcast from 07/05/2020 by Katja Scherer
How fast fashion destroys the second-hand market
Germany is the recycling champion – also for textiles. But since cheap fashion has flooded the market for used clothes, many collectors are threatened with the end. A new law could give them the rest.
Published on March 20, 2020, 4:14 p.m. by Carolin Wahnbaeck
Spiegel TV
The big business with used clothes – How fashion recycling works
A film by Carla Buchal; a production commissioned by Spiegel TV (2016)